Icon Pack: App Menu Icons
App Menu Icons is a perfect set for mobile app developers. Including over 300 unique icons, App Menu Icons has everything you need to create a mobile organizer, PIM, contact manager or communication tool for Apple iOS, Android or other mobile platform. Dozens of communication and navigation buttons, user icons, and call management images are included, with some made in the shape of blue buttons and others drawn on plain transparent background.
This versatile icon pack for mobile platforms comes with more than 1300 variations. Two image formats (PNG and ICO) and four common sizes (48x48, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 pixels) are included. Normal, Hot and Disabled versions are provided for each icon. 32-bit True Color versions come with an alpha-channel layer, making the edges smooth on any type of background. 256-color versions are drawn on transparent background.
Image states: normal, hot, disabled
File formats: PNG, ICO
Image sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 334
Image quantity: 1336
File quantity: 1670
Price: $49.00 / 39.00 EUR
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App Menu Icons - Icon List
Account, Account card, Accountant, Accounts, Active calls, Add, Add SMS, Add user, Add users, Address book, Admin, Agent, Agent group, Agents, Alarm, Alarm clock, Alien, Answer, Answer v2, Apple, Applications, Apply, Apply1, Appointment, Army, Army officer, Astronaut, Auditor, Authorise, Baby, Bank, Bank service, Basket, Bell, Black lst, Blonde, Blue button, Bluetooth, Boiler, Book, Book-keeper, Boss, Brick, Bricks, Brush, Bureaucrat, Burner, Businessman, Cable heating, Calc, Calculator, Calendar, Calendar1, Call history, Call options, Call up, Camera, Camera1, Captain, Cell phone, Chart, Chat, Check user, Chief, Children, Client, Client group, Client list, Clients, Clock, Clock1, Coffee break, Complete conference, Complete conference v2, Complete transfer, Complete transfer v2, Computer administrator, Computer doctor, Conference, Connected, Construction, Copywriter, Customer, Customers, Data transfer, Delete, Delete history, Delete sms, Delete user, Delivery, Demography, Detective, Devil, Dial, Dial v2, Dial1, Dialing, Disconnected, Doctor, Dollar, Domestic, Down, Download, Drill, Edit SMS, Edit user, Editor, Electric iron, Error, Euro, Excellent signal, Exit, Expand window, Family, Favourites, Female, Female group, Find, First, Flag, Flowers, FM radio, Furniture, Games, Games1, General, Generator, Global manager, GPS, Hacker, Hammer, Handshake, Hang up, Hang up v2, Hangup, Heat equipment, Heater, Hide window, High signal, Hoisting crane, Hold, Hold v2, Home, Home1, Idle, Instrument, Interior, Internet access, IP Telephony, Key keeper, Keyboard, King, Kitchen tap, Knife, Landscape, Large group, Last, Left, Link, List, Lock, Lock position, Lock1, Locked user, Locked users, Love, Low signal, Magician, Mail, Make a call, Man, Manager, Managers, Medium signal, Message, Missed calls, Mobile phone, Mobile phone1, More information, Music, Music1, Mute, Mute1, Network administrator, New SMS, News, No signal, Nobody, Not ready, Notary, Notes, Offering, Official, OK, On dialtone, Order tracking, Out, Payment, People, People contact, People contacts, People online, Personal loan, Phone, Phone number, Phones, Pirate, Play, Play1, Playback, Plumbing, Policeman, Postman, Pound, Print, Problem, Problem1, Professor, Programmer, Publicity agent, Pulverizer, Pump, Quick quote, Radiator, Ready, Receptionist, Record, Red flag, Redial, Redial1, Redo, Reduce window, Refresh, Refresh1, Refrigerator, Remove, Remove user, Repeat, Right, Ring tone, Roller, Rotate left, Rotate right, RSS, Screwdriver, Search, Search user, Search user1, Search users, Secretary, Security, Security guard, Send contact, Send letter, Send SMS, Settings, Shift, Shock, Signal, SIM card, Smart phone, SMS, SMS list, Sofa, Soldier, Somebody, Sound, Sound1, Sound2, Speed dial, Speed dial v2, Sport, Spy, Staff, Stairs, Stats, Stove, Sync, System, Tanks, TAPI, Tasks, Telephone, Telephony, Television, Thief, Time, Time zone, Timer, To do list, Todo, Tone dialing, Tone dialing v2, Tone dialing1, Transfer conference, Transfer conference v2, Turn off, Uncle Sam, Undo, Unhold, Unhold v2, Unknown person, Unlock, Unlock position, Up, User, User group, User group1, User info, User login, User logout, User profile, User warning, User1, User2, Users, Users folder, Users1, Very low signal, Video camera, View, View account, Visual communication, VOIP, Water heater, Web designer, Window, Windows, Wireless, Workgroup, Wrench, Zoom, Zoom in, Zoom out.
Health Icon Pack for Vista
Are you creating a health-related online site, a Medicare portal or software for hospitals? Make your products and services look better by employing professional graphics to enhance your work!
Are you developing a health-related Web site, a Medicare portal or software for hospitals? Make your products and services look better by employing professional graphics to enhance your project!
Medical Icons for Vista depict various subjects, objects and concepts used in medicine. Health care and medical insurance, doctors and patients, surgeons and physicians teeth and hearts are drawn in a careful, easily recognizable manner.
The Medical Icons for Vista icon set is drawn professionally and consistently. Each icon corresponds to the whole icon pack and matches other icons by the style, appearance and choice of colors.
Medical icon pack depicts all important categories related to medical problems and health care.
Medical Persons
There are numerous important professions in medicine from nurse to neurological surgeons. Making a recognizable image of each person is not an option for a time-limited project that has to meet deadlines. Medical Icons for Vista supplies a variety of icons depicting numerous medical professions. Over twenty healthcare professional icons are enclosed, including Nurse, Druggist, Veterinary, Surgeon, Hygienist, Physician, and a dozen more.
Patients are equally important when designing a medical database or portal. Medical Icons for Vista depicts Adult Male and Female Patients, Patient Boys and Girls, Check and Remove Patient, Patient Info and Search, as well as many more useful medical images and pictograms. Images of body parts are there as well.
Health Care Objects
Thermometers, Syringes, Blood and Chemical Tests, Pills and Tablets, and many more various medical objects are drawn and included with the Medical Icons for Vista set.
Medical Symbols
The abstract symbols are the hardest to make. They are sure easy to draw, but making a recognizable symbol is a challenge for an artist. Medical Icons for Vista packs icons that depict concepts such as Relaxation and Health, Emergency and Knowledge, Medical Invoice and Report, Card File and Questionnaire, Genetics and Health Care.
The pack of medical icons is crafted in an easily recognizable style. Each medical icon comes with and without shadows, and is supplied in a variety of formats and resolutions. BMP, ICO, PNG and GIF formats are included, and sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 in 256 colors and 32-bit with transparency are supported. You can download this icon pack at www.777icons.com.
Copyright © 2008-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
We offer stock icons for desktop applications, web sites, mobile software, graphic design, business cards.

A great set of icons for sound-recording applications and audio catalogues. Wide range of sizes from 16x16 to 48x48 pixels is provided.
A collection of bright and stylish icons that will instantly enhance any web page or portal. Available in all the typical toolbar sizes.
Large Crystal Icons set holds a great variety of images in all the popular icon formats, including ICO, PNG, BMP and 3ds Max.
Large Vector Icons represent everything a vector icon set can be. Smooth, easily readable, increadibly stylish - and the best thing is, they all work together as a matching set.